What subject are you looking for help with?
Finals Week: The AATC will offer Drop-In tutoring for Math (Mat 12, 17, 19, and 21), Physics (Phy 7 and 9), and Chemistry (Che 2, 8 and 118) from Monday-Thursday, 11 AM - 4 PM during finals week.
There will be STA13 tutoring on Monday from 2-3:30 PM, and Thursday 11 AM-1 PM.
The Writing Studio (Shields lower Level) will be open from 12 – 4 PM, Monday-Wednesday during finals week
Math and Chemistry drop-in tutoring will also be held at the standard Sunday hours on March 16. There will be no individual tutoring or OASIS appointment during finals week.

Shields Library
Lower Level - Open Study Area
Drop-in Tutoring for: Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Math, Physics, Statistics, and Writing
See Shields Library on the campus map.
Make AATC part of your academic success plan
Thousands of undergraduate students at UC Davis use AATC to support academic excellence. All AATC services are organized by subject and for many courses students have options like one-on-one tutoring by appointment, drop-in tutoring, asynchronous resources, co-classes, and workshops. Select a subject to see what is offered or to book an appointment. AATC services are included in your student fees, so there is no additional cost to use tutoring.
If you're not sure where to start, questions or comments can be submitted using our Qualtrics form, by calling 530-752-2013, Monday-Friday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.